The Kintsugi Podcast - Stories of Connection Artwork

The Kintsugi Podcast - Stories of Connection

The Kintsugi Podcast is about reconnecting with ourselves and each other and seeing our scars as golden symbols of our strength and resilience. In this divided world, there's a way to come back together and see our stories within each of us. Each week, I will share a story of connection from another like-hearted human and a Pause Breathe Reflect meditation to help you connect with yourself and put a beautiful ripple into the world.

#personal growth

Being More Afraid of Not Living Than Dying - Stories From My Ride Across America

Welcome to the Kintsugi Podcast, where your host, Michael, takes you on a reflective journey across America, sharing insights on living a life filled with resilience, success, and the courage to embrace all aspects of life. This episode, part of our open awareness segments, dives deep into personal stories, the acceptance of mortality, and the pursuit of living authentically. This week we are in Wisdom, Montana.

Key Points: 

  • Michael delves into the profound impact of his accident on his outlook towards life and death. He shares insights from Henry David Thoreau and Steve Jobs, emphasizing the importance of living authentically and not being paralyzed by the fear of death.

  • A reminder to cherish each moment, pursue passions, and live without regrets. Michael encourages listeners to be more afraid of not living than dying, sharing personal anecdotes and the wisdom he has gained through his experiences.

  • Michael extends an invitation to listeners to reflect on what they would regret at the end of their lives and to take purposeful action to live fully and authentically.

Quotes from the Episode: 

  • "Reality wins 100% of its arguments."

  • "Henry David Thoreau... 'When it's time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived.'"

  • "Steve Jobs... 'Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else’s life.'"

  • "Be more afraid of not living than dying."

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Being More Afraid of Not Living Than Dying - Stories From My Ride Across America Artwork
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